Der digitale Wandel hat nicht nur zu einer zunehmenden Digitalisierung von historischen Quellen geführt, sondern auch eine Vielzahl neuer, born-digital Materialien hervorgebracht. Ein Beispiel hierfür sind soziale Medien, deren niedrige Produktions- und Zugangsschranken zu einer Vervielfachung von geschichtsbezogenen Inhalten, Akteur*innen und Praktiken geführt haben, die die Deutungs- und Diskurshoheit etablierter Akteur*innen wie Institutionen oder Wissenschaftler*innen in Frage stellen.
„Mia Berg: Soziale Medien als historische Quellen – Potenziale und Herausforderungen zwischen Digital, Public und Collaborative History“ weiterlesenAnita Lucchesi: A New Hermeneutics of Practice? Considerations from a 360º experiment on digital public history
Researchers engaged with the digital component have been exploring alternative forms of source criticism, storytelling, and publications for years now, yet the greatest attention still goes to the outputs, while little criticism, if any, is devoted to the process of doing digital work. By building and analyzing a digital public history platform (Memorecord – Memory Harvest), I wanted to make a contribution in this direction. To do so, in my PhD research I took a full hands-on approach to engage with the methodological and epistemological challenges of creating digital scholarship. In my presentation, I will focus on a concrete case study to emphasize the need for a reflexive turn in digital public history projects. The empirical study at stake consisted of investigating memories of Italian and Portuguese immigrants in Luxembourg by establishing a crowdsourcing platform shaped through participatory design principles. The process of building the Memorecord platform, using social media and analyzing the born-digital material exposed the need for a speculative, self-reflexive layer in the making of such a digital public history project.