The golem is a creature animated by the words in its head. Emerging from Jewish traditions, the words that did the animation had connections with divinity, but the golems themselves despite this spark of the divine toiled at mundane chores. But sometimes, the golems would get out of control, and become figures of terror. My none-too-subtle analogy is this: animated by the ‘words in their heads’, the anthropomorphized neural networks of contemporary ‘ai’ (and ‘agi’: artificial general intelligence) are similar figures, with similar connections to the divine (we are told: ‘agi’ will transcend us; ‘agi’ will bring about the singularity; ‘agi’ will make us all posthuman). In this talk, I will explore some of my experiments trying to teach these technologies ethically and critically. I will explore some of the ways I have been trying to raise my own digital golems for my mundane archaeological needs. This is a talk filled with failure and experimentation. But maybe, also, something useful.
„Shawn Graham: Do It Yourself Digital Golems. Experiments with various AI, neural networks, and other technologies for archaeology“ weiterlesenFolgert Karsdorp & Mike Kestemont: The application of unseen species models in history: correcting registration bias in nineteenth-century police reports from Brussels
Researchers of the past – whether historians, literary scholars or archaeologists – depend on the sources that have stood the test of time. That sample of history is usually far from complete, however. There are numerous reasons for this, such as natural causes (e.g., fires or floods), decisions at the level of archival policy (what do we preserve and what do we not?), and biases in the formation of the archives themselves. Data representing lower classes were long considered less relevant, for example, and thus socioeconomic factors likewise play a role in the survival of sources. In a series of recent experiments, we have explored how statistical methods from ecology can help us identify such gaps and biases in our knowledge. Those methods all find their basis in “Unseen Species Models,” which were originally developed to estimate the number of unique species in an environment. Just as ecologists try to estimate biodiversity from an incomplete sample, we apply the models to incomplete historical archives to measure the actual cultural diversity.
„Folgert Karsdorp & Mike Kestemont: The application of unseen species models in history: correcting registration bias in nineteenth-century police reports from Brussels“ weiterlesenUrsula Lehmkuhl: Building Data Competencies for Historians: Perspectives from the NFDI4Memory ‘Data Literacy’ Program
The NFDI consortium 4memory includes a task area that focuses on enhancing Data Literacy in historically oriented research and education. This task area seeks to promote cultural change in the historical profession by developing methodological and curricular innovations, aiming to integrate Data Literacy competencies at all levels of history education. This includes BA, MA, and PhD programs, as well as specialized courses in area history (e.g., African, Asian, and Latin American histories). We emphasize mainstreaming Data Literacy rather than limiting it to specialized programs, fostering a global and interdisciplinary approach to historical research under digital conditions. The presentation explores issues surrounding digital hermeneutics, historical data criticism, and the distinct challenges posed by area histories.
„Ursula Lehmkuhl: Building Data Competencies for Historians: Perspectives from the NFDI4Memory ‘Data Literacy’ Program“ weiterlesenAmanda Regan: Mapping the Gay Guides: Using Digital History to Explore LGBTQ Travel Guides, 1965 – 2005
Mapping the Gay Guides (MGG) relies on the Damron Guides, an early but longstanding travel guide aimed at gay men since the early 1960s. An LGBTQ equivalent to the African American “green books,” the Damron Guides contained lists of bars, bathhouses, cinemas, businesses, hotels, and cruising sites in every U.S. state, where gay men could find friends, companions, and sex. The online mapping project explores different dimensions of American gay life through time, from bars and nightlife, bookstores, cinemas, and churches. Users to the site are able to navigate and investigate the dynamic and sometimes disappearing nature of LGBT spaces over time.
„Amanda Regan: Mapping the Gay Guides: Using Digital History to Explore LGBTQ Travel Guides, 1965 – 2005“ weiterlesenMoritz Feichtinger: Just a Little Bit? Historicizing Born-Digital Objects
The information age is intrinsically digital. Knowledge, culture, and communication are increasingly created, transmitted, processed, and stored in digital formats. Consequently, historical inquiry, particularly when engaging with the latter half of the 20th century and beyond, must grapple with digital artifacts. These artifacts, often termed “born-digital” objects, are created by and within digital environments. Their scale, diversity, and inherent technical and cultural characteristics present distinct challenges for historical research, requiring historians to adapt established methodologies, particularly source criticism, to address these nuances.
„Moritz Feichtinger: Just a Little Bit? Historicizing Born-Digital Objects“ weiterlesenStudentische Veranstaltung: DH-FuckUp-Outing 2024/1

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»Ohne die richtige Einstellung ist erfolgreiches Scheitern unmöglich. Man muss Scheitern wollen – sonst wird es nur eine peinliche Niederlage.«
Alexander Florin, 2013: Erfolgreich Scheitern (via DWDS-Korpussuche)
Erzählen vom und Sprechen über das Scheitern – das ist die Idee hinter dem Konzept ‘FuckUp-Night’.1 Über die Kommerzialisierung dieser Idee und den Grund für den legally distinct Namen dieser Veranstaltung lässt sich streiten; das Konzept hat sich aber bereits seit mehr als zehn Jahren bewährt.
Dem gemeinsamen Sprechen über Scheitern wohnt eine radikale Kraft inne: Wir alle scheitern im Großen wie im Kleinen – meist eine sehr einsame Erfahrung. Aber genau diese Einsamkeit gilt es gemeinsam zu durchbrechen!
Aurelia Brandenburg: Die Jungs unter sich? Männlichkeit im deutschsprachigen Spielejournalismus 1980-2000
„Es handelt sich also bei Ihrer Zeitschrift um ein reines Männermagazin“[1], beschwerte sich 1983 Gaby M. Werth aus München in den Leser*innenbriefen der TeleMatch, dem allerersten deutschen Magazin über digitale Spiele, und sprach damit vermutlich unbewusst schon früh eine Kritik aus, die sich in manchen Fällen bis heute gehalten hat. Digitale Spiele und ihre Kulturen galten lange und gelten manchmal bis heute als unumstrittene Domäne weißer Jungs und Männer, die angeblich die einzige relevante Gruppe gewesen seien, die sich für dieses Medium und seine Kulturen interessiert. Dieses essentialistische Narrativ, so wirkmächtig es auch war und manchmal noch immer ist, war immer ein Mythos, wie gerade feministische Forschung seit den 1990ern im Allgemeinen und insbesondere in den letzten zehn Jahren immer wieder gezeigt hat. Tatsächlich lässt sich gerade vor der Jahrtausendwende primär eine recht spezifische Kultur fassen, die sich auf bestimmte junge Männer als ‚Gamer‘ oder ‚Zocker‘ konzentrierte und in dieser Zeit und darüber hinaus als einzige existente Gamingkultur imaginiert wurde, was allerdings natürlich noch nichts über reale Spieler*innen oder ihr Spielverhalten aussagt.
„Aurelia Brandenburg: Die Jungs unter sich? Männlichkeit im deutschsprachigen Spielejournalismus 1980-2000“ weiterlesenWonhee Cho: Rethinking ‘Sinicization’ through Data: A Network Analysis Methodology for Yuan Dynasty Studies
This presentation revisits the concept of “Sinicization” during the Yuan dynasty by employing network analysis to evaluate the centrality and cooperative dynamics of officials in Yuan court. Using data derived from the Official History of the Yuan (Yuanshi), this research interrogates the validity of traditional narratives of cultural assimilation, particularly the extent to which the Mongol administration in China adopted Han Chinese governance practices. By focusing on the relationships among central officials, this study sheds light on the evolving power dynamics between Han and non-Han elites under Mongol rule.
„Wonhee Cho: Rethinking ‘Sinicization’ through Data: A Network Analysis Methodology for Yuan Dynasty Studies“ weiterlesenAshley Sanders: Redressing Colonial Knowledge Systems through Restorative Data Justice
While “data” is often understood today in computational terms, as information coded and organized for interpretation with digital tools and algorithms, the term has a long history dating back to at least the seventeenth century. In its earliest uses, data was defined as a “given” and a basis for decision-making—and thus power. A study of colonial knowledge systems offers numerous examples of the link between power and data regimes. Revealing the integral role of data in the building and maintenance of empires, this talk takes up several methodological questions: How do we handle colonial data, both data generated by colonial administrations and data we recreate from fragmentary sources to address the absences in the historical record born from conquest? And how do we ensure that our own research does not replicate imperial extractive colonial data practices?
„Ashley Sanders: Redressing Colonial Knowledge Systems through Restorative Data Justice“ weiterlesenClemens Neudecker: Context matters. Chancen und Herausforderung bei der Arbeit mit Künstlicher Intelligenz und Kulturellem Erbe
Für Bibliotheken bieten die auf dem Gebiet der Künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) erzielten Fortschritte vielfältige Chancen. Die Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz (SBB) entwickelt im Rahmen von Projekten wie Mensch.Maschine.Kultur KI-Technologien für eine Vielzahl von Anwendungsbereichen: von Text- und Layouterkennung über Bildanalyse bis zu maschinell unterstützter Sacherschließung und nicht zuletzt Datenbereitstellung und digitaler Kuratierung. Andererseits sind bei der Anwendung von KI-Technologien für das Kulturelle Erbe immer auch die historischen und kulturellen Kontexte zu beachten.
„Clemens Neudecker: Context matters. Chancen und Herausforderung bei der Arbeit mit Künstlicher Intelligenz und Kulturellem Erbe“ weiterlesen