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Ashley Sanders: Redressing Colonial Knowledge Systems through Restorative Data Justice

While “data” is often understood today in computational terms, as information coded and organized for interpretation with digital tools and algorithms, the term has a long history dating back to at least the seventeenth century. In its earliest uses, data was defined as a “given” and a basis for decision-making—and thus power. A study of colonial knowledge systems offers numerous examples of the link between power and data regimes. Revealing the integral role of data in the building and maintenance of empires, this talk takes up several methodological questions: How do we handle colonial data, both data generated by colonial administrations and data we recreate from fragmentary sources to address the absences in the historical record born from conquest? And how do we ensure that our own research does not replicate imperial extractive colonial data practices?

„Ashley Sanders: Redressing Colonial Knowledge Systems through Restorative Data Justice“ weiterlesen

Elena Suárez Cronauer: Netzwerkanalyse und Data Feminism. Frauenbriefe im frühromantischen Briefnetzwerk

Wie können marginalisierte Gruppen mit Methoden der historischen Netzwerkanalyse untersucht werden, ohne dass biases in den Quellen, die sich in den Daten widerspiegeln, unreflektiert wiederholt und somit weitergetragen werden? Welche Potentiale haben wiederum die quantitative Betrachtung solcher Gruppen im Gegensatz zu einem rein qualitativen Vorgehen?

„Elena Suárez Cronauer: Netzwerkanalyse und Data Feminism. Frauenbriefe im frühromantischen Briefnetzwerk“ weiterlesen