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Session 2

Session 2: Methoden zur Autorschaftserschließung

Datum & Zeit:Mittwoch, 24.05.2023
15:40 – 16:40 Uhr
Ort:Auditorium des Jacob-und-Wilhelm-Grimm-Zentrums


Ancient Greek Historians in the Digital Age

Monica Berti

Universität Leipzig

This paper presents experiments and results of ongoing projects about ancient Greek historiography and in particular about the so called fragmentary historians, by which scholarship means authors whose works are now lost in their original form and preserved through quotations and reuses in later sources.

The research question behind the paper is the possibility to analyze the language used by extant sources to refer to lost historians and to cite their works. If a lot of scholarship has been devoted to collect fragments of many different literary genres and try to reconstruct the texts from which they were taken, less effort has been spent on collecting data pertaining to the language used by ancient authors to refer to other authors and works.

The paper discusses the use of Computational Linguistics techniques to annotate and extract information about ancient Greek historians and their works from the sources where they are preserved. Morevoer, a new a catalog of ancient Greek authors and works based on the extraction and annotation of references to them in ancient sources will be presented at the conference with a discussion of the following topics: The language used by ancient sources to cite historians; standards and formats for their linguistic annotation; issues about NEs recognition and annotation for ancient Greek and in particular for historiography; the relation between linguistic data and external authority lists; data export and interchange according to the Linked Open Data (LOD) best practices; and finally visualizations of annotations in their context.

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Looking at the iceberg from below the waterline. Stylometric authorship attribution for anonymous articles in Arabic periodicals from the early twentieth century

Till Grallert

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

The paper presents the results of stylometric authorship attribution for a corpus of c. 250 anonymous articles and random samples from unattributed texts in each issue from six Arabic periodicals published in Baghdad, Beirut, Cairo, and Damascus between 1892 and 1918. The method is novel for this material and language. The paper rejects dominant hypotheses regarding the authorship of anonymous material in Arabic periodicals.

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